
Our talented staff of auctioneers and real estate professionals have the tools to handle any kind of auction or traditional real estate transaction in today’s marketplace.

Our sellers know they can rely on us to provide the latest innovative marketing programs that combine advertising, direct mail, the Internet and other media to reach potential buyers.

The Auction Process – Selling


It starts with consultation. Contact our auctioneers and we will evaluate your property, talk about your specific needs and goals, and help you determine whether an auction is right for you. ANALYSIS Our marketing executives will visit with you, view your property, and discuss the various options best suited for selling your property at auction.


Once you’ve decided to sell your property, we will implement our marketing plan that was designed to reach your targeted market.

This plan is based on nearly a century of experience marketing desirable properties.

The marketing plan will include:

  • A specific plan and schedule for ad placements.
  • A production schedule for a high quality color brochure featuring your property.
  • Extensive direct mail, telephone, and email marketing efforts.
  • Use of our website to draw people to your property, provide information and facilitate bidding.
  • A detailed Property Information Packet is typically prepared to assist buyers in their evaluation and due diligence process.


When the marketing campaign swings into action, activity begins immediately.

  • Our writers and graphic designers will go to work to create custom materials promoting your property, including the high quality color brochure.
  • Display ads will be placed in various newspapers and publications depending on your targeted market.
  • Through our state of the art database system, we will select qualified buyers to whom we will mail your auction brochure.
  • A full description and photo gallery on our web site featuring your property.
  • Automatic spydering to many other auction, equipment, and Real Estate websites.
  • Additional listings on exclusive high traffic web-sites and the opportunity to be a featured property on the front page of such sites and many other websites depending on your targeted market.
  • The auction information office will arrange tours of your property.
  • In the days leading up to the auction, a site director will be on site to show your property to interested parties and to assist answering their questions.


Excitement, confidence and competition are the three essential elements to a successful auction event, and everything about an auction conducted by United Country Auction Services is carefully orchestrated to provide these elements.


One of the most important auction-day functions is to provide much of the information needed for buyers to bid with confidence and enthusiasm. If the auction is on site, we give them another opportunity to take a look at the property and provide answers to their follow up questions.

This also gives us one more opportunity to point out the features of your property, emphasizing its value, and to build a rapport with the bidders that helps us to start with strong bidding once the auction begins. Finally, we work to make sure each bidder understands what to expect before, during and after the bidding to ensure that everything goes smoothly.


The very essence of the auction process is competition. The auction event places bidders in a competitive environment when bidding for a property. Prior to the bidding process, our bid assistants circulate among the bidders to answer questions and later encourage participation and relay bids to the auctioneer. During the process, the value of the property is reinforced as potential bidders compete.

Following the sale of the property, our representatives will meet with you and the successful bidder to sign the necessary paper work, collect the down payment, and arrange for the closing, which is typically scheduled within 30 days.


Many people who have attended an auction conducted by United Country Auction Services describe the atmosphere as electric. Attend one yourself and you’ll see why Birdsong Auction & Realty should be your Acution Company of Choice.